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Other Ways to get Involved

3D Floating Element Heart



Not sure what to donate but ​want to get involved? ​Donations through PayPal or ​Venmo will be used to provide ​meal / gas cards to families ​receiving care at CHC.

3D Floating Element Megaphone

A Call for ​Volunteers

Want to get involved but don’t have room in your budget at this time? Volunteer at our Party at the Park, or directly with Children’s Hospital Colorado!

people hugging

Our 1st ​Annirversary

Write a “Thank You” note to one of the professionals that have made a difference in our daughter’s life, and so many others, as we celebrate the 1st anniversary of her life-saving heart surgery.


All Donations directly benefit families and children receiving care at ​Children’s Hospital Colorado. The organizing family does not benefit ​from any donation (monetary, toy, or otherwise).

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